To use News API v3, you must authenticate your requests using an API key. This guide explains how to include your API key in your requests.

API key

Your API key is a unique identifier that authenticates your requests to the NewsCatcher News API. Include this key in the x-api-token HTTP header for each request you make to the API.

How to authenticate

To authenticate your requests follow this steps:

  1. Obtain your API key from your account manager.
  2. Include your API key in the x-api-token header of the request.

Here are the examples of how to use the API key in your requests for differnt programming languages:

curl -X GET "" \
  -H "x-api-token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"

Replace YOUR_API_KEY_HERE with your actual API key in these examples.

Security best practices

Don’t share your API key publicly or include it in client-side code.

Store your API key in environment variables or secure key management systems.

Rotate your API key periodically for enhanced security.

If you suspect your API key has been compromised, contact our support team immediately to have it revoked and replaced.

Remember, your API key is tied to your specific plan and usage limits. Protect it to prevent unauthorized use and potential overage charges.