Events API provides access to structured information about international tariffs and trade measures extracted from news articles. This guide explains how to discover available search fields, construct search requests, and understand the returned data.

Available search fields

Get available search fields for tariff events using the discovery endpoint:

GET /api/events_info/get_event_fields?event_type=tariffs_v2

The endpoint returns the following fields that can be used for filtering search results. All fields are optional for search requests.

Common fields

  • company_name: The name of the company related to the tariff event, if applicable.
  • event_date: The date when the tariff event occurred.
  • extraction_date: The date when the event was extracted from news sources.

Tariff-specific fields

  • tariffs_v2.imposing_country_name: The name of the country implementing the tariff.
  • tariffs_v2.imposing_country_code: The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country implementing the tariff.
  • tariffs_v2.targeted_country_names: Names of countries targeted by the tariff.
  • tariffs_v2.targeted_country_codes: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes for countries targeted by the tariff.
  • tariffs_v2.measure_type: Type of trade measure being implemented. Possible values: new tariff, tariff increase, tariff reduction, retaliatory tariff, import ban, quota, other trade restriction.
  • tariffs_v2.main_tariff_rate: The most significant tariff rate mentioned.
  • tariffs_v2.tariff_rates: List of tariff rate descriptions in the format “X% on Y”.
  • tariffs_v2.previous_tariff_rate: The tariff rates before this change.
  • tariffs_v2.affected_industries: Industries affected by the tariff using GICS sectors.
  • tariffs_v2.affected_products: Specific products affected by the tariff or trade measure.
  • tariffs_v2.hs_product_categories: Harmonized System (HS) sections of products affected by the tariff.
  • tariffs_v2.announcement_date: Date when the tariff was announced.
  • tariffs_v2.implementation_date: Date when the tariff will be or was implemented.
  • tariffs_v2.estimated_trade_value: The estimated value of trade affected by the measure.
  • tariffs_v2.policy_objective: Stated policy objective for implementing the tariff.
  • tariffs_v2.trigger_event: Description of what triggered a retaliatory measure.
  • tariffs_v2.relevance_score: Rating of how directly the article addresses specific tariff announcements.
  • tariffs_v2.summary: A comprehensive summary of the tariff announcement or change.

Searching for events

Use the search endpoint to find tariff events:

POST /api/events_search

Basic request structure

  "event_type": "tariffs_v2",
  "attach_articles_data": true,
  "additional_filters": {
    // search criteria using available fields

Using search fields

Search by dates (absolute or relative):

  "event_type": "tariffs_v2",
  "additional_filters": {
    "extraction_date": {
      "gte": "now-7d",
      "lte": "now"
    "tariffs_v2.implementation_date": {
      "gte": "2025-01-01",
      "lte": "2025-04-01"

Search by countries and tariff rates:

  "event_type": "tariffs_v2",
  "additional_filters": {
    "tariffs_v2.imposing_country_code": "US",
    "tariffs_v2.targeted_country_codes": ["CN"],
    "tariffs_v2.main_tariff_rate": {
      "gte": 20

Search by measure type and affected industries:

  "event_type": "tariffs_v2",
  "additional_filters": {
    "tariffs_v2.measure_type": "retaliatory tariff",
    "tariffs_v2.affected_industries": ["Materials"]

Search by products and relevance:

  "event_type": "tariffs_v2",
  "additional_filters": {
    "tariffs_v2.affected_products": ["steel"],
    "tariffs_v2.hs_product_categories": [
      "XV: Base metals and articles of base metal"
    "tariffs_v2.relevance_score": "High"

Understanding the response

The API returns matched events in this structure:

  "message": "Success",
  "count": 20,
  "events": [
      "id": "event-id",
      "event_type": "tariffs_v2",
      "global_event_type": "TradePolicy",
      "associated_article_ids": ["article-id-1", "article-id-2"],
      "extraction_date": "2025-03-12 12:04:06",
      "event_date": null,
      "company_name": null,
      "tariffs_v2": {
        "summary": "Comprehensive summary of the tariff announcement",
        "affected_products": ["aluminum", "steel"],
        "imposing_country_name": "United States",
        "affected_industries": ["Materials"],
        "main_tariff_rate": 25,
        "announcement_date": "2025/03/18",
        "tariff_rates": ["25% on steel", "25% on aluminum"],
        "targeted_country_codes": ["MX", "KR", "BR", "EU", "CN", "CA"],
        "hs_product_categories": ["XV: Base metals and articles of base metal"],
        "targeted_country_names": [
          "European Union",
          "South Korea",
        "relevance_score": "High",
        "measure_type": "new tariff",
        "imposing_country_code": "US",
        "implementation_date": "2025/04/02"
      "articles": [
        // Article data when requested

Best practices

  1. Use extraction_date to monitor recently reported trade policy developments.
  2. Use tariffs_v2.announcement_date and tariffs_v2.implementation_date for tracking policy timelines.
  3. Filter by both tariffs_v2.imposing_country_code and tariffs_v2.targeted_country_codes to track bilateral trade tensions.
  4. Combine tariffs_v2.affected_industries and tariffs_v2.hs_product_categories for sector-specific analysis.
  5. Use tariffs_v2.measure_type to distinguish between initial tariffs and retaliatory measures.
  6. Use tariffs_v2.main_tariff_rate to filter for significant trade barriers.
  7. Filter by tariffs_v2.relevance_score to prioritize highly relevant information.

Array field filtering

When filtering for array fields, make sure to use array syntax even when searching for a single value:

  "event_type": "tariffs_v2",
  "additional_filters": {
    "tariffs_v2.targeted_country_codes": ["CA", "MX"], // Multiple values
    "tariffs_v2.affected_industries": ["Materials"], // Single value, still using array
    "tariffs_v2.hs_product_categories": [
      "XV: Base metals and articles of base metal"

The following array fields require array syntax for filtering:

  • tariffs_v2.targeted_country_codes
  • tariffs_v2.targeted_country_names
  • tariffs_v2.affected_industries
  • tariffs_v2.affected_products
  • tariffs_v2.hs_product_categories
  • tariffs_v2.tariff_rates

See also